Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Technological Protection

What a bugaboo! I hate thinking about, talking about, or learning about computer protection because there are so many options. I don't even know what they're talking about half the time.

Is my IU protected? I don't know. I didn't even know I had one. In fact, I'm not sure I do.

I run the free version of AVG on my home computers. So far, so good. But I never trust when it comes up and says "No threats found" because it only knows about the threats that it knows about. Right? Right! So I'm relaxing while some unknown virus is eating the data off my hard drive! Gotta love it.

So, with that caveat, why spend money? AVG is always mentioned in the best security articles I've read. It's not perfect but nothing else is either. So, I'll stick with it for now.

As for backing up my data...yeah, I need to do that. I've been saying that for years by the way. I put some of my writing on flashdrives as back up but I can never find the same flash drive so I end up with three different versions of the same writing on three different flash drives. Not very effective.

I did not know about the backup option on Windows. I'm going to look into that. And I've looked at Moxy before but Lifehacker (love the name!) says it's better now. So I'll take another look.

As a writer, the security of my writing is very important to me. But the biggest threat I feel is to my financial information. I use Verasigned (is that correct?) sites and my bank and credit union claim to be protected. However, five major companies recently emailed me to say my personal information had been hacked into. They all use the same "security" on their sites. So how secure is that?

But, you know what, I HATE snail mail. Hate it, hate it. I empty my mailbox maybe twice a week and the piles of trash grow higher and higher in my house. So I'll keep paying online and keeping up with whatever security "the experts" say I need. If I had the money I'd hire someone to take care of my online security. Right after I hire a maid.

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