Thursday, May 19, 2011

Final thoughts on 23 Things

When I first heard about this program I was excited. I would finally understand some of those obscure things and words that pop up all time! I wouldn't have to cross my eyes and admit, "I haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about" ever again.

Hah! It's even worse now.

I swear, since I started the 23 Things a thousand more "things" have been discovered, developed, or just plain made up. No one can keep up with it all. Good thing I don't try or I'd be really frustrated.

I did, however, polish up my knowledge of all the 23 Things. I knew some before but it's never a bad thing to refresh your knowledge. So my goal has been fulfilled. The only problem I see is that nothing stands still and while I'm 23-thinging someone is making up another 23 things I should know.

One thing I wasn't aware of was just how much work goes into something like this. It's only 23 Things but they were offered to over 200 employees. And some of them probably didn't follow all the instructions so they were surprised at some point. Like me.

Scroll down! Scroll down!


1 comment:

  1. Too Funny! Congratulations on scrollonmg down through All 23 Things!
